Oral Cancer Screening
Because mouth and throat cancer are most effectively treated when spotted early, we will perform a screening that consists of a visual inspection of your mouth, jaw and neck. By visiting us regularly for general dentistry, you will ultimately improve your chances of detecting any potentially dangerous changes in your oral health early. If signs of mouth or throat cancer exist, we will watch them closely, treat them accordingly and make a recommendation for next steps.
There are several different types of oral and throat cancers, which collectively affect 54,700 people in the U.S. each year. Cancers of the mouth and throat historically have high death rates. World cancer research agencies have determined that these death rates are largely due to late diagnosis. At Embrace Dental Care, we aim to significantly improve survival rates for our patients by screening for oral cancer periodically.
Identify Mouth Cancer Early
Our patients are a part of the Embrace Dental Care family. It is important to us that we work together to fight oral cancer. While our oral cancer screening service goes a long way toward achieving that goal, we must all work together. We want to provide you with all the information you need to detect the early signs of mouth cancer so you can receive treatment immediately.
Although discoloration, canker sores and mouth ulcers are fairly common, it is important to have any persistent abnormalities of the mouth checked. Any abnormality that lasts two weeks or more is a potential sign of early mouth cancer. At Embrace Dental Care we can check the tissue and screen for oral cancer, which will greatly increase your chances of beating the disease.
If you would like to arrange a screening or simply want more information on oral cancer, please contact Embrace Dental Care right away. With your vigilance and our oral cancer screening, together we can stop mouth and neck cancers before it is too late.